Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Exam Prep
Study 1,200+ questions using our spaced repetition learning system
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Prepare for the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) cognitive exam. This course, powered by Everprep, includes 1200+ questions across all content areas. Study content areas individually in content focused question sets or together in practice exams created to mimic the cognitive exam test taking environment.
Content areas covered within this course:
- Airway, Respiration & Ventilation
- Cardiology & Resuscitation
- Medical
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Trauma
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Operations
$37 (after 7 day free trial)
One-time fee for one year access
7 day free trial
Access to 1,200+ questions
Timed practice exams
Prep Like a Pro
Everprep offers a clear pathway to advancing your career through personalized, science-based learning techniques and expert material.

Spaced Repetition
We use a proven Spaced Repetition learning technique, which improves your ability to retain information by showing you questions before you are likely to forget the answer. The more confident you become, the less often you see those questions.
Comprehensive Coverage
Your exam will cover many questions across an array of topics. We’ve developed this content with a subject matter expert in this field to be sure we are giving you what you need to pass your exam.
Practice Exams
George S. Patton once said “you fight like you train,” and that’s exactly why we build specific practice exams to match the very experience you will have when you sit down for your exam. These questions mimic those found on your exam so you know exactly what to expect.